Student Enrolment Contract

This contract applies to students who are enrolled in a Zindua Core Program or Specialisation Program ans have completed the required final onboarding form available through this link | Official terms and conditions as well as privacy policy that apply to all users of this platform are available on the Zindua official website here:

Welcome to Zindua School, a leading coding school dedicated to helping students achieve their career goals in the tech industry. Our courses are designed to provide practical, hands-on training that prepares students for success in the rapidly changing world of coding and software development.

This document entails the policies, rules, and regulations of the school. It also explains the goals and expected behavior of the student in the school. By signing this enrollment agreement, you are committing to your education and professional development. We are excited to work with you and support you as you pursue your goals. Please review the following terms and conditions carefully before signing. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1) Basic Information

Below are the official details of the student:

  • Student’s Full Name: Full Legal Name
  • Student’s ID Number: ID Number, Nationality
  • Student’s Phone Number: Phone Number
  • Student’s Email Address: Email Address
  • Date of Enrolment: Official Date of Entry

2) Tuition and Fees

There are 5 payment options a student can subscribe to:

  1. Upfront Payments: The total cost here is Ksh. 120K for a 25-week program. A student saves 20% of the total program cost if they choose to take up this option. You will be required to pay the full fees, minus any deposit paid prior, by the end of the 2nd week after starting the course.
  2. Pay in 2 Installments: A student will be required to pay Ksh. 62.5K twice. Your first payment will be one week after starting classes and the second payments will be exactly 2 months later.
  3. Pay in 5 Installments: A student will be required to pay Ksh. 30K monthly for 5 months. Your first payment will be one week after starting classes and all subsequent payments will be due on that day of the month.
  4. Lipa Mdogo Mdogo: A student is allowed to pay for fees over a longer payment period than the program. Therefore, the student will be required to pay Ksh. 13,750 monthly for 12 months. Your first payment will be one week after starting classes and all subsequent payments will be due on that day of the month. The student’s financier will be required to sign a financing contract that stipulates that they agree to continue the payments even after the program ends. This Lipa Mdogo Mdogo financing contract will be managed by Chaptr Technology LTD from onboarding to repayment collection.
  5. Income Share Agreements (ISA): A student is allowed to defer 50% of their total fees into an ISA and pay Ksh. 15K monthly for 5 months. Your first payment will be one week after starting classes and all subsequent payments will be due on that day of the month. The student will also be required to sign an income-share agreement that stipulates the student to pay 10% of his/her earned income for 24 months. This income-share agreement will be managed by Chaptr Technology LTD from onboarding to repayment collection.

The above-named student commits to pay the required fees on time failure to which the student will incur a late payment penalty of KES 1000 which accrues an interest of KES 500 for every week it remains outstanding and will eventually be discontinued. All fee payments are minus any enrollment deposit paid prior to starting the program. The deposit payment deduction will be distributed equally across all invoices.

3) Attendance and Punctuality

The student is expected to attend all classes and be punctual. The student is expected to communicate any expected absence in advance. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in dismissal from the course without any refunds.

4) Course Information

Part-Time Programs

Below is a summary breakdown of our part-time core programs. This program is part-time and predominantly virtual with in-person sessions on Saturdays. The school will offer curated online content, personalized technical support, weekend workshops, professional development support, and practice projects for the student.

ModuleData Science CoreSoftware Dev Core
PRE-BootcampSQL DatabasesHTML-CSS Web Design
Module 1 (5 weeks)Python ProgrammingJavaScript Programming
Module 2 (5 weeks)Python Data AnalysisReact Frontend Dev
Module 3 (5 weeks)Machine Learning IPython Programming
Module 4 (5 weeks)Machine Learning IIDjango Backend Dev
Module 5 (5 weeks)End-to-end Data CapstoneFull-Stack Application Capstone

Full-Time Programs

Below is a summary breakdown of our full-time core programs. This program is full-time and hybrid with in-person sessions three days a week and online classes two days a week. The school will offer curated online content, personalized technical support, live workshops, professional development support, and practice projects for the student.

ModuleData Science CoreSoftware Dev Core
PRE-BootcampSQL DatabasesHTML-CSS Web Design
Module 1 (3 weeks)Python ProgrammingJavaScript Programming
Module 2 (3 weeks)Python Data AnalysisReact Frontend Dev
Module 3 (3 weeks)Machine Learning IPython Programming
Module 4 (3 weeks)Machine Learning IIDjango Backend Dev
Module 5 (3 weeks)End-to-end Data CapstoneFull-Stack Application Capstone

5) Code of Conduct

The student is expected to adhere to the school’s code of conduct, which includes:

  1. Maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism
  2. Respecting the intellectual property of others
  3. Practicing ethical coding practices
  4. Maintaining professionalism in all interactions with fellow students, instructors, and staff from Zindua School and/or its partners or affiliates
  5. Adhering to school policies and procedures

The detailed code of conduct is available on this web page: and Zindua School will notify any enrolled student in case there are any changes to the code of conduct.

6) Student Responsibilities

The student is responsible for:

  1. Attending all classes (online and physical) and participating in school-organized events and activities
  2. Maintaining academic progress and completing all weekly projects and capstone projects on time
  3. Providing any required equipment or software for learning
  4. Conducting themselves in a professional manner at all time

For the student to progress to the next module, they will be required to submit all daily, weekly, and capstone projects, attend at least 70% of all classes including the physical ones and have an overall score of 70% in the module.

7) Liability

The school is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or property damage that occur on school premises or during school-sponsored activities. The student is responsible for maintaining their own health and safety.

8) Intellectual Property

The student agrees that any software code, applications, or other work created during the course of their enrollment is the property of the student, but that the school retains a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, distribute, and modify such work for educational or research purposes.

The student agrees to indemnify and hold the school harmless from any claims or actions arising out of the student’s use of any school materials or the creation of any software code, applications, or other work during the course of their enrollment.

9) Termination of Enrollment

The school reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment for any reason, including but not limited to:

  1. Violation of the school’s code of conduct or academic policies as per article 6
  2. Failure to pay tuition and fees or sign the income-share agreement (for students paying 50%) as stipulated in article 2
  3. Excessive absences or tardiness or failure to maintain academic progress as stipulated in article 2

10) Deferment Policy

In the event the student wants to defer to a later time, they commit to formally communicate to the technical mentor and the school. If the student withdraws from the course before the 3rd week of learning they will be allowed to carry forward any tuition fees they will have paid. After the 3rd week, no deferral will be accepted, and the student will have to pay the module fees in full. There will be no refunds given and the student will be required to pay for the future module to rejoin.

However, a student is free to defer between modules with no implications whatsoever. Since full-time classes do not have set intervals for starting like in part-time programs, if the student defers between modules they’ll have to wait up until the next available full-time class gets to the module or simply switch to a part-time class.

11) Refund Policy

The enrollment deposit and cost of services or classes already delivered are non-refundable. In case of termination or deferment, a student will only be eligible for a refund if they do it before the 3rd week of learning in line with the deferment policy. If the student had paid the entire upfront fee, they will be eligible for a refund for modules not yet covered. Kindly note that if the student is dismissed from the course due to a violation of the school’s code of conduct or academic policies, no refunds will be given.

I hereby consent to the capture, use, and reproduction of my photos, videos, and media by the school for the purposes of marketing, fundraising, and other related activities. I understand that my photos, videos, and media may be used in print, electronic, and digital media, including but not limited to the school’s website, social media pages, brochures, newsletters, and advertisements. I understand that my consent is voluntary and that I have the right to revoke it at any time by providing written notice to the school. However, any use of my photos, videos, and media prior to revocation of my consent shall not be affected.

By ticking this box, the student acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this enrollment agreement and agree to be bound by them.