Computer Programming Fundamentals

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About Course

This course is modelled to the Saturday classes focussed on Computer Programming. The contents of this course are quite essential for anyone looking to get advanced Software Engineering and Data Science role in top global companies. Most of the concepts covered here will typically be found in technical interviews for FAANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) and general BIG Tech. Beyond interviews and improving your access to highly selective software jobs, these concepts are fundamental for building efficient code and efficient programming practices. Here is what will be covered:

    1. Module 1: Programming fundamentals i.e. Git, Big-O Notation, Search and Sorting Algorithms
    2. Module 2: Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures
    3. Module 3: Advanced Algorithms: Recursion, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms
    4. Module 4: Database structuring, database design, and AWS cloud computing
    5. Module 5: Bonus content on np-complete problems, backtracking, graph algorithms, and monte carlo
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Course Content

Module 1: Programming Foundations

  • Git Version Control
  • Introduction to Algorithms
  • Search Algorithms
  • Sorting Algorithms

Module 2: Data Structures

Module 3: Advanced Algorithms

Module 4: Databases & Cloud

Module 5: Bonus Content (Advanced)

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