Django Backend Development

Categories: Software Development
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In the next 5 weeks, you’ll learn the Django backend framework with the Python Programming language. You’ll also learn how to interact with the database and build full-fledged CRUD applications.

By the end of the Django module, you will be able to:

  1. Create a Django application and have it running on the Django development server.
  2. Create view functions in a Django application.
  3. Configure URLs to different views or pages in a Django application.
  4. Create templates and use template syntax in a Django application.
  5. Create a database and connect a Django application to the database.
  6. Create tests that check for the behavior of our code in our applications.
  7. Activate and use the Django admin to work with data in the application’s models.
  8. Create a feature for uploading images in a Django web app.
  9. Create web forms for collecting and storing user data in the database.
  10. Authenticate users into and out of a Django app through signup, login, and logout features.
  11. Create an API that has data from our Django application’s models.
  12. Configure a Django app for deployment to render.

Attribution and Acknowledgement

This course is attributed to Django for Everyone by Charles Severance. We have supplemented this with in-built text content by Zindua School. You can also supplement your learning by going through the official Django documentation.


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Course Content

1.1 Foundations of Django

  • 00:00
  • Model View Template Design
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
  • Create the First Django App
  • Django Introduction Challenge

1.2 Django Templates

1.3 Adding Tailwind, CSS and Images

1.4 Connecting to Databases

1.5. Django Week1 Project

2.1 SQL Basics

2.2 Django Forms, Uploading Images and Error Messages

2.3 Django Authentication

2.4 Custom Authentication

2.5 Django Week 2 Project

3.1 Django Rest Framework

3.2 Testing APIs with Postman

3.3 API Integration
Creating a Django Project and App for API Integration with Google Maps API

3.4 API Security in Django Rest Framework (DRF)

3.5 Django Week 3 Project

4.1 Writing and Running Django Tests

4.2 Advanced Testing

4.3 Test Driven Development

4.4 Deployment

4.5 Week 4 Project

5.1 Final Projects Proposal

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