Course Content
1.1 Introduction To Programming
Understanding Computers and Software
00:00 -
Introduction to Programming Languages
1.2 CLI (Command Line Interface)
1.3 Git and Github
1.4 Advanced Git and GitHub
Week 1 Project
2.1 HTML Text Formatting
2.2 Links and Images
2.3 Multimedia and Tables
2.4 HTML Forms
Week 2 Project
3.1 Introduction To CSS
3.2 CSS Box Model, Margins, Paddding, Borders
3.3 CSS Flex Box and Grid
3.4 Tailwind CSS
Week 3 Project
4.1 Introduction to Javascript
4.2 Javascript Functions
4.3 JavaScript Loops
4.4 DOM Manipulation using Javascript
Week 4 project
Week 5: Capstone Project
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