Introduction To Programming

Categories: Software Development
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Course Content

1.1 Introduction To Programming
A brief introduction to programming, history and how human beings interact to computers

  • 00:00
  • Understanding Computers and Software
  • Introduction to Programming Languages

1.2 CLI (Command Line Interface)
Introduction to Command Line Interface

1.3 Git and Github
Introduction to basic git commands

1.4 Advanced Git and GitHub
Advanced concepts and commands in Github

Week 1 Project
HTML Basics

2.1 HTML Text Formatting
HTML Text Formatting

2.2 Links and Images

2.3 Multimedia and Tables

2.4 HTML Forms

Week 2 Project

3.1 Introduction To CSS

3.2 CSS Box Model, Margins, Paddding, Borders

3.3 CSS Flex Box and Grid

3.4 Tailwind CSS

Week 3 Project

4.1 Introduction to Javascript
Javascript Basics

4.2 Javascript Functions
Javascript Functions

4.3 JavaScript Loops
An introduction to loops

4.4 DOM Manipulation using Javascript
Manipulating DOM elements using JavaScript

Week 4 project
Project on Javascript

Week 5: Capstone Project

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