JavaScript Programming

Categories: Software Development
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In this course, you will get to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript Programming. The module has been divided into 3 key sections i.e. JavaScript Fundamentals, JavaScript for Frontend Development, and Object-Oriented Programming among other advanced JavaScript concepts. By the end of this module, you should be familiar with the JavaScript scripting language as well as its use cases in front-end development. Here is a breakdown of what will be covered across the 5 weeks:

  1. Week 1: Foundations of JavaScript
  2. Week 2: Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM)
  3. Week 3: Asynchronous JavaScript
  4. Week 4: Advanced JavaScript Concepts
  5. Week 5: Final Capstone

Course Content

1.1 JavaScript Foundations

  • Development Environment Setting
  • Overview of JavaScript
  • Basic JavaScript Syntax
  • JavaScript on Browsers
  • Placement in HTML File
  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Data Types and Methods
  • JavaScript Type Conversion
  • Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle

1.2 Control structures and loops

1.3 Funtions and Scopes

1.4 Web Pages, Arrays and Objects

1.5 Week-1 Project

2.1 Introduction to the DOM, accessing and manipulating elements

2.2 Events and event listeners

2.3 Event Propagration

2.4 Creating and removing elements dynamically

2.5 Week-2 Project

3.1 Asynchronous programming, callbacks, and the event loop

3.2 Promises and chaining, Async/await syntax

3.3 Fetch API

3.4 Error handling and debugging asynchronous code

3.5 Week-3 Project

4.1 ES6 features: let/const, arrow functions, template literals

4.2 Destructuring, spread, and rest operators

4.3 Object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript

4.4 Functional programming concepts: map, reduce, filter

4.5 Testing with Jest and building a project

Conclusion and Capstone

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