Python Programming

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About Course

Python Programming from beginner to pro in 5 weeks. The course will cover all Python fundamentals to set you up for a Python career in Data Science or Software Development. Here is what you will cover in this course:

  1. Week 1: Python Foundations (Foundations and Foundational Data Types)
  2. Week 2: Intermediate Python (Data Types, Conventions, and Regex)
  3. Week 3: Python with Web Services (Web Scraping and APIs)
  4. Week 4: Advanced Python (Object-Oriented Programming and Databases)
  5. Week 5: Final Capstone Project and Optional Bonus Resources

Acknowledgement and Attribution

This course is licensed from the Python for Everybody course by Charles Severance, Professor at the University of Michigan. This course is also available on Coursera and YouTube and is licensed through a Creative Commons license. Projects, challenges, and additional text notes/content have been curated by the Zindua technical team.

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Course Content

1.1 Introduction to Python, SetUp and Libraries

  • Brief History about Python Programming
  • Python Installation and Set-Up on Visual Studio Code
  • Introduction to Virtual Environment
  • Getting started with Git
  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Python Comments
  • Python Libraries
  • Coding Challenge

1.2 Variables, Expressions, Statements

1.3 Conditional Statements and Loops

1.4 Functions

1.5 Weekly Practice Project
Complete week 1 of the course by putting your learning into practice with one of the following projects.

2.1 Strings & File Handling

2.2 Lists & Tuples

2.3 Dictionaries and Sets

2.4 Regular Expressions

2.5 Weekly Practice Project

3.1 Web Scraping

3.2 Web Services

3.3 Working with APIs

3.4 Python Web Services Project

4.1 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

4.2 Applied Object-Oriented Programming

4.3 Working with Databases in Python

4.4 Modules, Packages, Unittests

4.5 Advanced Python Project

5.1 Capstone and Next Steps

5.2 [OPTIONAL] Bonus Python Lessons

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